The one thing I wanted to accomplish in 2014 was to develop a blog where I would reflect on knitting. Hey, I did it! I am very proud of Knitting: A Love Story and all the things I have learned during this endeavor. I have met so many wonderful people both in person and online. I have finished many TBFL (to be finished later) projects as an unanticipated consequence. After all, I had to have something to write about! I have connected and reconnected with friends who sent pictures of my knitted gifts to them. Knitting: A Love Story has helped me be a more thoughtful, intentional knitter.
Sooooo, what are my knitting goals for this year? I think I mentioned in an early post that in my work life I was a strategic planner. Goal setting is the way I focus myself on a path and see results. It is my list for the year so I can check things off and feel accomplished at the end of the year. I love lists! Even though I will have goals, wonderful, serendipitous yarn, projects and opportunities will tempt me and I will succumb. But I least I had an idea about where I wanted to go.
Goal 1: I want to continue Knitting: A Love Story and make it better.
Goal 2: I want to take a knitting class and learn something new. The last class I took was for the Knit Swirl. I had forgotten how much I love social knitting and being taught something new. I love learning something from a knitting book, but there is just something special about being publicly taught a skill.
Goal 3: I want to finish the Kauni sweater I started at least five years ago.
Goal 4: I want to make one of the fabulous patterns I have with the scrumptious Twisted Fiber Art yarn. I really don't need to say more about this.
Goal 5: I want to visit Crafty Lady Trio in Macomb. I love that store but haven't been able to introduce you to it.
Goal 6: Dick and I are considering a trip up the west coast from San Francisco to Vancouver. If we do this I want to visit those fabulous women at Knit Purl in Portland who have turned me on to so many wonderful fibers and projects. I can't wait to meet Oleya.
Goal 7: I want to begin working through The Knitter's Life List.
Goal 8: I want to knit more with Linda. We used to knit together once a week. With Linda's busy schedule as an elementary principal, we never will be able to do that, but we can do more.
If I accomplish something on all of these, I will feel accomplished.
I have a teaser for next time. What is this?