I am a sucker for a yarn sale. Many of the balls of yarn have been on sale. That means I didn't spend quite as much money, but it is still the same over whelming amount of yarn. I love every skein, every ball. I am just overwhelmed by the shear amount I have acquired since Christmas. If I laid every piece out for you, you would love them, too. Well, I think I will lay some of them out so you can appreciate their beauty.
Now what do you think is an intervention in order because I am an addict? Or am I just a collector? I have a friend Carolyn who asks the question, "If I buy this will it effect my life style?" I love that question because few purchases will ever effect our life style. In the case of yarn purchases, I would have to say, "Yes!" it does effect my life style, but only in a positive way. It makes my life richer and more beautiful. How can something that makes my life richer and more beautiful be a bad thing?