This is Jan's Tip #1: Buy it when you see it if you love it!
Well, I was getting my hair cut in Sylvania and Yarn Envy is kind of on the way. I wanted to do some knabbling for an upcoming project and I needed size 3, 16 inch circular needles. I have many. many interchangeable sets which all begin with 4's and believe it or not I couldn't find a size 3, 16 inch. I know, I was shocked, too. I "911ed" Thea to see if I could borrow a set of her's. Thea does all kinds of baby things from booties to hats to sweaters to blankets so I was banking on her having some. Of course, she did and dropped them off on her way to Ann Arbor. They weren't just any needles. They were Knitter's Pride Karbonz and they were wondrous. They hadn't even been taken out of the package. I was on my way to knabbling. Since I was going to Sylvania any way, it made sense to get my own size 3, 16 inch Karbonz at Yarn Envy. I wanted Knitter's Pride Karbonz just like Thea's so I could give her the new ones and keep the one of her's I'd opened. They didn't have any but had just ordered more. I really didn't want to wait. The wonderful women at Yarn Envy made two suggestions; 1) Addi Turbo Rockets or 2) Buy a set of Karbonz Interchangeable since they went down to 3's. I briefly thought about buying the set of interchangeable just so I could have a size 3, 16 inch but even I could see the sensible thing to do. You know, it was a good try. I almost bought them. After I bought the needles, I thought I would just look around. One of those wonderful women said, "Look at the new things we just got in." My head whipped around and before me I saw a table filled with new yarn, some of which I'd never seen before. Like the Pavlov dog, I began salivating.
I was just getting ready to go out when I decided to walk by the "table of new things" once again. I saw this.
Wonky suggestions #2 comes from the Skacel magazine and I will tell you all about it in Part 2 of Jan's Tips Are Often Wonky But They're Always Fun.