I would like to introduce you to my husband Dick (red shirt on the left) and his brother Donn on the right. They are two great guys. Ellen Parson did a fine job raising her two boys. Donn is a retired professor from the University of Kansas and a national expert in communications and debate. He was the KU debate coach for years. I met Donn about 35 years ago when Dick and I were dating and immediately felt welcome to the family. Donn is a master gardener and funny man. He cracks me up.
This is an afghan I made out of the beautiful Nashua for Donn and Andi a few years ago. Even though it was for both of them, Donn staked his claim as soon as they opened the Christmas gift. I can clearly see them opening the box and Donn rubbing the soft alpaca on his face and smiling. I hear that he has taken many naps under the warmth of of this throw.
This picture shows a little better the color spectrum of the yarn. I had so much fun finding the perfect colors to blend from gold through blue. I started with eight stitches and ended with over 1,100. Those last few rows took almost an hour each.
This is a scrumptious cashmire and silk yarn that I bought from those wonderful women from Knit Purl in Portland. They sent me one of those emails I can't resist showcasing Ensemble Lite. I saw it and fell in love. I bought a skein, touched and fell deeper in love. We were struggling with what to get Donn for Christmas, when I thought, "Ta Da! Ensemble Lite in teal in a vest! Perfect!" Dick agreed.
This is Ensemble Lite in copper. Donn loved the vest. When we were at the 50th Anniversary Celebration, one woman I had never met said,"I know you. You knit the vest." I love to knit for Donn because he is so appreciative. I also love to talk to Donn. From politics to current events to our MSU/KU rivalry, it's all fun, lively and spirited. I would love to live closer to Donn and Andi so we could get together more than once or sometimes twice a year. Next post will be about my fabulous niece Erin.