I'd be spending all of my time, at the skating rink?
Or did you know me and consider,
That I might become a public knitter?
I always have something in my purse
Just in case my brain would burst,
From watching multi hours of hockey,
Without the benefit of saki.
Pulled pork at Ham Bonz is always a treat.
Have you ever paid attention to
How everybody stares at you
As if you were the strangest thing
Because you have two sticks and string.
Knitting in cool temps always feels nice.
Pull out yarn of any fiber
It's twice as nice as gagets cyber.
Park bench knitting puts a smile on my face.
A few doors down is What To Wear
A place that gives Dick quite a scare.
It is my favorite boutique shop
For women's clothes, it's hard to stop.
The fabulous Mary and favorite Yarn Quest.
I would love to knit as long as I'm able
At the welcoming, friendly Yarn Quest round table.
Unfortunate for me that Dick's in the car
So I guess I will wait to knit in the bar.
To eat a little, knit a little and watch the Spartans win.
I think I'll stop right here before
You decide you can't taken any more.
Well, sorry folks! I thought I would jazz things up as I told you about my Traverse City knitting in public experience. I only got through day three and I was ready to say, "Shoot me!" I also can't stop rhyming in my head! Maybe that's why there is poetry that doesn't rhyme. It doesn't drive you crazy.
I think I will knit for a while to see if I can't make my brain to stop rhyming. LaLaLaLa!