On April 29, shortly after our return from our April trip to the Coastal Condo, I received a troubling email from Phyllis, the owner of Knit 'N Purl, my favorite LYS in Myrtle Beach. It was called "One last message from Phyllis" and said after nine years Phyllis was going to retire. I couldn't believe my eyes! I had just visited Knit 'N Purl twice and was planning on many days of social knitting at the friendly, big table. I already had a picture in my mind of going once a week in January and making Myrtle Beach knitting friends. The email was lovely, very sweet but disconcerting. Was I going to loose one more of my favorite LYS? Remember last fall Yarn Quest in Traverse City closed because a woman drove through the shop and it couldn't be fixed before knitting season. Then there was Yarn Paradise in Asheville, NC a few years ago. I spend way too much time grieving over the closing of LYS!
I made Dick go into Myrtle Beach on Friday (before the accident) so I could figure out what's going on.
Now on to what I have accomplished while here. I didn't knit as much as usual because I was just having too darn much fun with Butch and Evie, but I did get some knitting done.