I am having a terrible time. Ever since I did my IOS update on my iPad, Weebly kicks me out when I try to post. I will try to do this from my cell phone and see what happens. I am a knitter, a lover of fiber and an ok writer but I am not a tech person. I guess I need to visit Apple Store.
Speaking of technology (what a perfect segue), RAVELRY is my next "50 Things". I can't believe how it has changed how I approach knitting. If I am struggling with a pattern, need some ideas on how to use a specific yarn or just want to explore the ideas and thoughts of others, Ravelry is where I head. The hardest thing about Ravelry is remembering my password. If I am struggling with a pattern, someone on Ravelry has figured it out.
My next posts will be on VALENTINA DEVINE, HANDDYED YARNS and TILLY THOMAS in my 50 Things series, but the pictures haven't transferred from my iPad to my phone! Technology is really biting me. I have always said I an TI (technologically impaired) and I guess this proves it. I hope I get this figured out and fixed soon. I am so excited to talk about Valentina. Keep you fingers crossed.
If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to fix this, please let me know! 😢