What did I learn from this year long project?
1. I learned I have more knitting books than all the public libraries in Lenawee County combined. I also discovered several duplicates. I think they may be potential birthday and Christmas gifts.
2. I learned to kit my yarn and patterns in two gallon zip lock bags. They may also be birthday and Christmas gifts.
3. I learned to organize my loose patterns with a book on shawls, one on scarfs, one on sweaters, one on short sleeve sweaters and vests, one on cowls, one on techniques, one on accessories AND the brilliant In The Queue.
4. I learned if I was a quilter and approached quilting like I do knitting, I would have tens of millions of pieces of fabric.
5. I found techniques I would like to organize into a class for Ann's By Design.
6. I am ready to have my social knitting party.
7. I learned you are never really done with a project like this.