I decided to review my goals and bask in my accomplishments. I set 7 goals and much to my surprise, I only achieved 1. I did not use my Kureyon green and black yarn. I did not knit with my Why Knot Knit alpaca. I did not knit the Snood Forest. I did not knit the Shock Wave shawl. I did not knit with the beautiful lace yarn. I did not knit a Stephen West Doodler. I did knit with the fabulous Madelintosh Electric Rainbow. Why, might you ask, do I feel so good, no not just good but euphoric about 2017????? I think it was making 2017 "My Year Of Selfish Knitting." How can you be disappointed when every day you are knitting exactly what you want to knit every day!?!?!?! How can you be disgruntled when you are knitting only with fibers and colors you love with patterns that have the WOW factor? You can't! Here are some of the beautiful things that brought me joy this year.
Now for 2018. What are my goals for this year?
1. This will be My Year Of Selfish Knitting, Part 2. I think this is just going to become the way I roll. I am going to live my knitting life according to the principals of My Year Of Selfish Knitting. How can something that brought me so much joy not be an every day part of my life!!!!! I was very vocal about MYOSK everywhere and with everyone I know who knits. Do you know what happened? People didn't ask me to knit things. They knew I was only knitting things that brought me joy, soooo..... I didn't have to either say "no" and feel like a scrooge or begrudgingly say "yes" and hate every minute. People were very respectful and a little intrigued by my commitment.
2. This will also be The Year Of The Closure. I am going to go through my tubs and either finish UFO's or frog them. Just think of all of the new yarn I will have to knit with!!!!!! I must admit, I don't have a clue about what is in the tubs except for a Kauni faire isle sweater that I can't wait to finish. This may also be called The Year of My Great Adventure.
3. I am going to admit that spontaneity in knitting is what floats my boat. I am going to remain a Pinterest addict and when I see something I love, I am not going to abandon it for something on a list.
At the end of 2018, my success will be measured by my joy not by how many things I have checked off my list. Maybe 2018 bring you Joy, happiness and satisfaction and may every knitting project add to the joy. A Happy 2018 to all of my Knitting: A Love Story readers.