In addition to the 14 bags, I have the following to finish:
1. I need to hide all of the ends in an afghan I made for Evie and Butch.
2. I need to steam a shawl for Mom for her birthday. (You will absolutely love seeing this when I write about it. It is beautiful!)
3. I need to steam a beautiful shawl for Andi. (You will be impressed with this. I thought it was mine until I said to Dick, "Who does this look like?" He said, "Andi." and it was no longer mine.)
4. I have a scarf for Erin that needs to be put together. This is so funky that I can't wait to show you.
5. I am making a fleece Red Wings wubby for Dick. Not rocket science but it will still take a little time.
6. I am also making a fleece Spartan hubby for Kathy. I have fabric for one for me too but that may have to wait until after Christmas.
As you can see, I have a little work to do. How did I get myself into this mess!?!?!?!?! In addition, I must knit every day. I am just a nicer person when I knit a little every day. I will be checking in to show you my progress on all of these wondrous treasures.