Then I got an email from Jocelyn Brown Detroit News columnist asking for my phone number. In February, I emailed her about her column "Yarn Diet May Be Just What Doctor Orders." She emailed me aback asking what I was currently knitting. I wrote back, "Right now I am obsessed with bringing out old sweaters I have knit but not worn for ages, frogging them and reclaiming the glorious yarn for something new and amazing. My 93 year old mother died the end of January and I've had a very difficult time finding comfort in knitting. The is the first time in my life that I haven't been able to find solace in two stitches and a string. I have just finished a wrap made from reclaimed yarn that I love. I find that solving the puzzle which takes a sweater to a ball of yarn is very soothing. I even took off several weeks from writing Knitting: A Love Story. I just didn't feel clever or interesting. But now I feel myself getting back to the old me. March is Knitting: A Love Story's fourth anniversary. You did so much to help Knitting: A Love Story find an audience. I am so grateful. Thank you so much. Let's keep in touch." This was the picture I sent.
Jocelyn called Friday and is thinking about doing a column on reclaiming yarn. She asked me to send some pictures of yarn I've reclaimed, preferably with a picture of what it was before and a picture of what I made out of it. This is what I sent to her.
Just as I have fabulous fiber and amazing patterns in the queue, I also have more sweaters in the queue for frogging. Remember, I used to be a cold person but now I am a hot person. I couldn't wear a pullover sweater if my only other choice was to go naked. I never knit with "just a yarn." I always knit with yarn that spoke to me and made me fall in love. I couldn't toss them and some I love the yarn so much I couldn't give it away. These are the next two sweater in the frogging queue.