The Ann's By Design Christmas party was Monday, December 11. On Tuesday, December 5, I got an email announcing the next afghan square for the Cascade Knitterati Afghan. IT WAS A RABBIT! Ann loves rabbits! There are rabbits all over the store. I decided on Tuesday, December 5 that I was going to knit the rabbit square and frame it for Ann for Christmas. I made a trip to the Stash Studio for yarn. If I didn't already have appropriate yarn, I decided I wasn't going to do it. Of course, I had plenty of left-overs that were perfect. PRESSURE! STRESS! Back to the bad old days of knitting individual treasures for individual people. I couldn't help myself. This was just too perfect. On Saturday, December 9 at 10:00, I finished the square.
We were going to have Christmas with Butch and Evie on Wednesday, December 20. On Tuesday, December, 12, I decided I was going to knit the Ugly Christmas Beer Hat for Butch. I guess I hadn't experienced enough stress and pressure with Ann's rabbit. On Friday, December 15, we flew to Lawrence, Kansas for Christmas with Donn, Andi and Erin. When I say I was knitting the UCBH day and night, I'm not kidding. I knit watching TV. I knit eating breakfast. I knit on the plane. I knit in the car. I knit visiting with Donn, Andi and Erin. Then on Sunday night I was at the point where you changed from circular to double points. I decided I didn't want to take the chance on three balls of yarn and five needles on the plane. Monday night and Tuesday I finished and put on the steaming, finishing touch. On Wednesday, it was done and perfect. But once again, PRESSURE AND STRESS! The outcome was well worth the pain. The juice was definitely worth the squeeze!
Next, I will share with you my last two treasures who went home with friends for Christmas.