One of the unanticipated benefits of writing Knitting: A Love Story is finishing projects. You know, you're knitting on something and Christmas comes along. Wham! It goes into a TBFL (To Be Finished Later) tub. You're knitting on something and someone has a baby. Bam! It goes in that infamous TBFL tub. Or you're knitting on something and you just get tired of it. Well, you know the story. I have a whole room of projects in various degrees of doneness or undoneness. Well, with my commitment to posting twice a week, I have begun digging into my TBFL tubs. Eureka! What fabulous finds. Why, I wonder, did I ever stop working on this georgous piece of fiber art? (I loved it when knitting started to be included in the category of fiber art instead of craft. I became a Fiber Artist AND a Knitter! How neat is that.) That brings us to the post of the day, the beautiful Strata designed by Diane Greenfield with yarn from Knit Purl a fabulous online store in Portland.
I loved this pattern the minute I got my weekly email from Knit Purl showcasing a yarn, Shubui, and a pattern Strata. Knit Purl definitely has my number. I swear they pick things just for me to send in their email. It is very difficult for me not to buy every project every week. I just have to take a deep breath and quickly delete. I absolutely love Knit Purl. I have a dear friend in Seattle. Dick and I are planning a trip (not this year as we are renovating the kitchen) where we fly into San Francisco, rent a car and drive the coast to Seattle. Little does he know we will be making a stop in Portland at Knit Purl. I can't wait to meet all of the wonderful women who have introduced me to such mouth watering yarn. I bought my first Madelinetosh from Knit Purl. They introduced me to Art Yarn Ensemble Lite which I made the most yummy vest from for my brother-in-law. (That is another time I wish I would have taken a picture of a project before I gave it away.) I loved the yarn so much I bought it for a sweater for Dick which is in a TBFL tub.
Strata is made from Shibui. If you have never touched, bought, knit with Shibui, you are in for a treat. It is like knitting with strings from a cloud. This scarf is made with three different Shibui; Cima (superbaby alpaca and fine merino), Silk Cloud (kid mohair and silk) and Pebble (recycled silk, fine merino and cashmere). When I was looking for something to finish to blog about and found this, I said, "Jan, what were you thinking?!?!?" Then I remembered it was Christmas that intruded. I really didn't have much to finish and here it is. I liked the scarf so much, I bought the purple coat to wear with it.
Well, I'm off to find another treasure in a TBFL tub.