It has been so much fun to introduce you to my Lawrence family. Now for the fabulous Erin. I first met Erin when she was 7. Everyone was a little nervous about how Erin would respond to me because Dick was her favorite. She approached me skeptically. It wasn't long before we were buddies. She was 7 with the vocabulary of a college graduate. What a hoot. When she was in kindergarten she led reading for the class. I adored her and she thought I was her cool aunt. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and I was officially welcomed to the family.
Erin loves polka dots and primary colors so the Bubble Scarf seemed to be the perfect gift. I remember when she opened the package, giggled and said, "Oh my god, this is so cool." That is the reaction every knitter longs for. We fantasize and dream about those words or something similar with every stitch. In case you couldn't tell, I love making Bubble Scarfs.
Of course, Erin has been the recipient of a Jan Bag. She has tried to convince me to start a business. It was after this conversation that I realized I only want to be a "want to" not a "have to" knitter. My pay is the "Oh my god, this is so cool!" comments. Besides, I don't think people would pay what I would need to charge just to pay for the yarn. If it wasn't made from Noro Kureyon, it wouldn't be an authentic Jan Bag. One of the great things about the 50th anniversary party was meeting people I have heard about for years. I got to meet Erin's friend Kandy. Kandy told me her favorite color is green (in case I want to make a bag.)
Last but certainly not least is the mitered afghan. I love this so much. It took me weeks to find the perfect yarn in the perfect colors. The yarn is Ultra Alpaca and it is scrumptious to work with. Erin and I love to shop together. One year our luggage was lost on our way to Duluth for the Parson family Christmas. Erin helped me pick out the coolest jeans, or at least what a 10 year old thought was the coolest. She has taken me on many shopping tours of Lawrence. Then there was the summer she flew to Michigan to stay with us and go to see REO Speedwagon and shop at Fairlane. We had a ball.
Now you have met my great family from Lawrence. Inspired by the 50th anniversary, I have compiled 50 things you couldn't have used knitting 50 years ago. What a riot!