I posted on Facebook that I was starting a series on "Knitting: A Love Story" on "Yarn: The Tie That Binds Friends" and ask people I have knit things for to send pictures. The very first person I heard from was Dayle Reed a dear friend from Ohio. Dick and Jerry Reed met years ago on a high school counselors' trip to Paris Island, SC. Dick was waiting for the plane to take off when a man walked through with a deck of cards saying, "Anybody play bridge?" That was the start of a couples' friendship going out to eat and playing bridge. Once a month for years we would meet for dinner (one month in Toledo and the next month in Adrian) then play bridge and have desert. What warm memories! We exchanged Christmas gifts and Dayle became one of my favorite people to knit for. She was so appreciative.
I learned a lot from Dayle a happy, funny woman who loved her family more than anything. She always had a joke and made me laugh. I watched her boys grow up, go to college, become adults, have children. I loved stories of the Reed family get togethers. Dayle taught me the easiest, best desert in the world. You take ice cream sandwiches put them in a 9 x13 baking dish being careful to cut them so they fit snugly. Cover with Cool Whip, squirt on some chocolate ice cream shell and TaDa you have a great desert.
Dayle was also the recipient of a Jan Bag. I think it is one of the best. I just loved how the stripes stacked and the colors popped when it was felted. Dayle loves estate sales and yard sales and has found some treasures. I think Dayle must be one of the world's best mother-in-laws and grandmothers. As I write this I realize how much I miss Dayle and our couple evenings playing bridge. How do we let things slip away?
Thank you, Dayle for sending your pictures and helping me take a walk down Memory Lane.