I have talked to you before about the importance of blocking and steaming, but I think it is so important I am going to talk about it again in the context of Block Of The Month.
Most knitters have heard about blocking and steaming but many don't do. I was shocked when Knitting Daily did a pole on "Do you or don't you steam?" I was shocked to learn the vast number of people who don't. Why would you spend all of that money on yarn, all of that time on knitting and not do the one thing which takes knitting from homemade to handmade, from amateur to professional?!?!?!?! I just don't get it. Blocking will smooth out the imperfections in your knitting. It will make your stitches look nicer because they are more even.
There are basically 3 types of blocking: Wet Blocking, Steaming and Spraying. With Wet Blocking, you wet your treasure. Do not wring it out. It is much better to wrap it in a towel and press some of the moisture out. then you pin it on your board and let it dry. With Steaming, you pin your treasure to your board, use your steam iron, put a cloth over and let the steam go through the cloth. NEVER TOUCH YOUR IRON TO THE CLOTH OR YOUR KNITTED TREASURES. That is one sure way to ruin knits. With spraying you just use a spray bottle. Pin your knitted treasure on to a board, spray it then let it dry. What we do in our class is kind of a combination of steaming and spraying. There is no hot surface with Marilyn just steam. You don't have to worry about a hot surface touching your treasures.