I started Everyday on June 30 when Dick went in for his heart cath. My plan was to work on Everyday everyday finishing when Dick came home from the hospital. As surgery kept being delayed because of raging poison ivy, I was afraid I would finish Everyday before Dick even got to the hospital. My new plan was to knit on Everyday only when I was stressed, afraid or hanging on by my finger nails. I must admit that Everyday got me through. Whenever I would feel on the verge of tears or like drinking a whole bottle of wine, I would pour one glass of wine, get out Everyday and things would calm down. Everyday was my spiritual journey.
I had big plans while Dick was in the hospital. I thought I would make daily trips to Spun, my new favorite LYS in Ann Arbor and take a couple of classes at the Apple Store so I could take better pictures with my iPhone. I must admit I did none of that. I didn't want to leave his side and he didn't want me to leave his side. I thought I would read lots. Really, it was just Dick and me and Everyday. I knew Everyday was getting us through this tough ordeal but I don't think Dick did. As I knit, I watched Ocean Breeze change from deep teal to teal to pale teal to barely-there teal. All of a sudden i thought, "YIKES!" I realized it was going to be a pretty close call. Did I have enough yarn or didn't I?